Instead of only offering bulls of the final Composite mix, that would require commercial breeders to go through a slow grading up process, we provide our customers with a suite of hybrid line options designed to change existing cow bases into composite herds of a consistent breed type faster.
Ideal over high Bos Indicus content females.
38% Adapted Bos Taurus, 62% Angus-type
The Pathfinder® is a Polled, Slick Coated hybrid bull line that will work in hot challenging environments. Ideal over high Bos Indicus females to create highly fertile and productive daughters and marketable flat backed steers. Objectively designed; the Pathfinder is much more than just a hybrid bull and better than any purebred Taurus as a progressive choice to start a commercial Cross or Composite breeding program in Northern Australia.
Perfect over Bos Indicus influenced females.
75% Adapted Bos Taurus (blend of two pure lines) , 25% Angus type
Perfect over Bos Indicus influenced females to create highly fertile, productive Composite cattle with excellent meat quality traits. No other Adapted 100% Bos Taurus bull on the market has the same amount of science and dedication to profit in their breeding as the Transition®.
Keep on and improving your cutting edge composite herd.
25% Bos Indicus, 50% Adapted Bos Taurus (blend of two pure lines), 25% Angus type
The Eureka® is a Polled Tropical Composite that has been established using the best foundation genetics, then massively further improved by genomic selection after meticulous performance recording for breeder fertility, growth curve efficiency and meat quality traits.
Eureka’s® are Super Adapted and yet use only 25% Bos Indicus in their makeup. Use Eureka® bulls over your Composite/Eureka® females to maintain very high levels of both hybrid vigour and continuous additive multi-trait improvement.
Instead of only offering bulls of the final Composite mix, that would require commercial breeders to go through a slow grading up process, we provide our customers with a suite of hybrid line options designed to change existing cow bases into composite herds of a consistent breed type faster.
Ideal over high Bos Indicus content females.
38% Adapted Bos Taurus, 62% Angus-type
The Pathfinder® is a Polled, Slick Coated hybrid bull line that will work in hot challenging environments. Ideal over high Bos Indicus females to create highly fertile and productive daughters and marketable flat backed steers. Objectively designed; the Pathfinder is much more than just a hybrid bull and better than any purebred Taurus as a progressive choice to start a commercial Cross or Composite breeding program in Northern Australia.
Perfect over Bos Indicus influenced females.
75% Adapted Bos Taurus (blend of two pure lines) , 25% Angus type
Perfect over Bos Indicus influenced females to create highly fertile, productive Composite cattle with excellent meat quality traits. No other Adapted 100% Bos Taurus bull on the market has the same amount of science and dedication to profit in their breeding as the Transition®.
Keep on and improving your cutting edge composite herd.
25% Bos Indicus, 50% Adapted Bos Taurus (blend of two pure lines), 25% Angus type
The Eureka® is a Polled Tropical Composite that has been established using the best foundation genetics, then massively further improved by genomic selection after meticulous performance recording for breeder fertility, growth curve efficiency and meat quality traits.
Eureka’s® are Super Adapted and yet use only 25% Bos Indicus in their makeup. Use Eureka® bulls over your Composite/Eureka® females to maintain very high levels of both hybrid vigour and continuous additive multi-trait improvement.
Instead of only offering bulls of the final Composite mix, that would require commercial breeders to go through a slow grading up process, we provide our customers with a suite of hybrid line options designed to change existing cow bases into composite herds of a consistent breed type faster.
Ideal over high Bos Indicus content females.
38% Adapted Bos Taurus, 62% Angus-type
The Pathfinder® is a Polled, Slick Coated hybrid bull line that will work in hot challenging environments. Ideal over high Bos Indicus females to create highly fertile and productive daughters and marketable flat backed steers. Objectively designed; the Pathfinder is much more than just a hybrid bull and better than any purebred Taurus as a progressive choice to start a commercial Cross or Composite breeding program in Northern Australia.
Perfect over Bos Indicus influenced females.
75% Adapted Bos Taurus (blend of two pure lines) , 25% Angus type
Perfect over Bos Indicus influenced females to create highly fertile, productive Composite cattle with excellent meat quality traits. No other Adapted 100% Bos Taurus bull on the market has the same amount of science and dedication to profit in their breeding as the Transition®.
Keep on and improving your cutting edge composite herd.
25% Bos Indicus, 50% Adapted Bos Taurus (blend of two pure lines), 25% Angus type
The Eureka® is a Polled Tropical Composite that has been established using the best foundation genetics, then massively further improved by genomic selection after meticulous performance recording for breeder fertility, growth curve efficiency and meat quality traits.
Eureka’s® are Super Adapted and yet use only 25% Bos Indicus in their makeup. Use Eureka® bulls over your Composite/Eureka® females to maintain very high levels of both hybrid vigour and continuous additive multi-trait improvement.